For your listening pleasure while you review our Commanding Officers
Is this is analogous to to becoming "in command" or is the truth written below?

From left to right the ranks are; Lieutenant Commander, Commander and Captain

The Commanding Officers of the Caliente were primarily the rank of Captain.  The Caliente was considered a "deep draft" ship (32 feet - the measurement from the top of the black line to the bottom of the hull).  When loaded with fuel it was a platform used to qualify Captains in maneuvering that type of ship before receiving a potential assignment as Captain of an aircraft carrier.  When preparing for an unrep the senior ship commander usually determined the direction the ships would steam in while unrepping.  Of course, when the Cal was entering into an unrep and the captain thought we would be empty at the end of the unrep he usually laid out a course for or next port of call.  Some of the ships that came alongside sometimes wanted to steam in another direction and would send a message outlining a new course to steam.  If our Captain, at the time< knew he was senior to the other ship's captain our Captain would just reply to the message with the words "check the book" (the book is a complete listing of active Naval Officers and contains their "date of rank").  We would usually get a return message that just restated our selected course to steam.  During the unrep the crew would wave at the other ship's crew members to let them know we were happy to be going into port.

CDR Elmore G. Genther; 10/43to 11/43
LCDR A.L. Cruser; 11/43 to 12/43
LCDR A.E. Stiff; 12/43 to 12/43
CDR H.I. Schroeder; 12/43 to 06/44
LCDR Stiff; 06/44 to 12/44
LCDR Frank L. Lang; 12/44 to 06/45
CDR G.L. Eastman; 06/45 to 05/46
CAPT. E.L. Lugibihi; 05/46 to 10/47
CDR. D.F. Krick; 10/47 to 10/48
CAPT J.W. Schmidt; 10/48 tp 09/49
CAPT. W.A. Cockwell; 10/49 to 09/50
CAPT. F.W. McCann; 09/50 12/51
CDR R.A. Dawes Jr.; 12/51 to 04/53
CAPT. H. W. Maples; 04/53 to 12/54
CAPT. R.G. Copeland; 12/54 to 01/56
CAPT. S.C. Loomis; 01/56 to 02/57
CAPT. R.H. Wanless; 02/57 to 03/58
CAPT. O.W. Goepner; 03/58 to 06/59
CAPT. S.B. Carroll; 06/59 to 06/60
CAPT T.D. Davies; 06/60 to 07/61
CAPT J.D. Worley; 07/61 to 09/62
CAPT P.M. Paul; 09/62 to 09/63
CAPT A.G. Plemons; 09/63 to 07/64
CAPT. M.R. Etheridge; 07/64 to 07/65
CAPT. R.W. Beadles; 0765 to 12/68
CAPT. R.W. Jackson; 12/66 tp 04/68
CAPT. H.E. Phelps; 04/68 to 09/69
CAPT. O.H. Oberg; 09/69 to 01/71
CAPT G.D. Howard; 01/71 to 01/72
CDR D.A. McGuiness; 01/72 to 11/73
LCDR. J.M. Haffey; 11/73 to 12/73