The Pipeline is published once a quarter and distributed to current members via email or snail mail. The Pipeline editor is Mr. Karl Seitz (PN2, 1961-1964). Karl can be reached at Please submit any articles, comments, obituaries, stories, pictures or any other item of interest to Karl.
I hope you notice that only one issue of the Pipeline is missing since 2006. This is a tribute to our Pipeline editor and his diligence in keeping our shipmates informed. The one issue that was not issued was the fault of the Association President at the time (Pat Hurton whose motto, at the time, was "don't do today what you can put off until tomorrow - worked). Thanks again, Karl.
All the pdf file Pipelines I can find are now posted on this page. I have other "hard copy" pipelines that I will scan and add to this list as I get time (Pat Hurton). To view an issue just click on the the issue and it will come up. If is is not the edition that should be there, please let me know as I probably clicked on the wrong edition when I was uploading the Pipelines. p.s I'm working on aligning the tables.
The largest expense the Association has is mailing our Pipelines,
If you do have an email address or have a relative or friend, who is nearby, and can receive and it and get it o you please provide Karl Seitz (email address above) with that email address.